Sunday, January 10, 2010

Haruka's odd behavior.

And when I mean odd, I mean ODD. Lately, she's been aggressive towards Chloe twice a day (in the morning, and then in the evening, around the times she has her spazz attacks). She will run up to Chloe, hop up and put a paw around Chloe's neck and try to bite her. Other times, she's shoved her face in Chloe's butt and bit it (seriously).

To add to this, earlier this evening, she did a #1 and a #2 on the cat mat in front of one of their litter boxes. Is she angry? The box wasn't super-dirty. The mat is a week or so old (we had to replace the old one as it was getting shredded).

Of course, I also noticed she apparently chewed an LED light off of a strand I had around my office window. I have no idea when she did that, as I didn't notice until I took it down. Other than these crazy moments, she's fine. (I haven't noticed any problems associated with said light-eating, either.)

They have no crazy new food, they're still fed at the same times, but . . . Haruka is going batshit crazy! Any ideas? I mean . . . I've never really seen the whole biting-the-butt thing. Chloe was none too pleased. :(

1 comment:

  1. Wish we knew what to tell you to help in this situation, but we are going through the same thing here with 2 of our girl cats. I've been reading the book, Cat Vs. Cat hoping to get some tips.
