Monday, June 22, 2009

June happenings.

Once again, it's been too long! I had to spend a good chunk of this month working on the first graphic novel of my web comic Cardboard Angel--had to finish it in time to send it off to the printers so we'd be able to sell it at Otakon in July. (CA is 12/13+ and safe for work, just in case you were wondering! :)

Haruka is becoming bold. She is also getting into more trouble. But at the same time, is still redonkulously cute, and needs her nails trimmed. Anyone ever use that Pedi-Paw?

Please click on the image if it's not large enough to read! This was the second time Haruka has left a 'present,' so to speak (besides the initial piddling, she also 'rubbed off' on Todd's shirt a few days prior to this incident). I didn't notice anything at first, until I caught a whiff . . . . and since I'm curious, I sniffed.


It was only a tiny, 1-inch track, but it was enough to make me almost, well, I have a sensitive nose. Looking back it's funny that I was wearing a brown shirt at the time, but very glad I wasn't about to go out somewhere.

As for the door-opening . . . still not quite sure how it happened. We've been keeping her out of our bedroom at night so we can sleep better--she loves to knock stuff over and fall into our hamper--and usually around 6 AM--7AM we get a wake-up call in the form of 'MOMMY, DADDY, WAKEY-WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY!! SUN'S UP! I'M UP! WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU UP?!' . . . . which means one of us gets up, opens the door, Haruka darts in, acts cute, and then we play with her for a few minutes with one of her feather-duster toys and check to see if she has enough food. After that, we unceremoniously kick her out and she's fine, and then we go back to sleep because our alarms aren't going off until 10.

ANYWAY . . . . we had placed a scratching toy she doesn't care for in front of the door, to give her something else to scratch on (still need to trim those nails!) if she got frustrated . . . . 

And, around 4ish in the morning, we hear a huge THUD!!!!!!!!!!!!x infinity . . . . and all of the sudden, there's Haruka,  mewing and inside. At first, we thought she had broken the scratching post or knocked it over, but we determined that she must have knocked it up against the door and that opened it. We did our thing and then locked the door after she kicked her out. 
Closer inspection in the morning revealed that a plastic bin filled with stuffed animals had fallen off a shelf in our closet, which caused the noise. The thud could have theoretically made the door ajar . . . but I like to think she got superhuman powers for a split-second and learned how to turn the doorknob while floating.

And now I must float away . . . . as she is camping out on my guitar.


  1. Eww... I had a cat a long time ago that loved leave 'presents' on my shirts D:

  2. My friends' cats will leave presents in their shoes if they are angry with them!!
