Sunday, November 22, 2009

Snot. And cats.

Today, another example of sleeping kitten-cats on lofts and furniture.

This is a fine specimen. (Although it makes her head seem very itty-bitty compared to her fuzzy butt.)

The Chloe-monster has become temporarily legless on Todd's chair.

She's the shape of a rubber duck!

Anyway, I have a question. Chloe's got the snots. She's had a URI before, and if I'm not mistaken her other mother said that it could be something she has to live with (but isn't contagious). She's snorking at times, trying to get rid of her boogers. Sometimes, they dangle out of her nose :( It's tough seeing her so uncomfortable at times (the boogers bother her, but she's still playful and eating and such). We have powder medicine for her, but I was wondering if there are any kitty versions of nose spray available? I know I could look this up on my own, or call the vet, but I figured I'd give it a shot here. We both have wonky work schedules this week, and our car is in the shop until Friday. Borrowing the granny-mobile, but it has bad tires and is leaking something, so long distances/highway travel isn't a good idea at the moment. Bah!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

sleeping cats.

Today's adventure: SLEEPING.

Haruka plays the part of a folding chair very well while asleep on the loft bed in my office.

Chloe, also asleep in my office, decides a Stitch towel from Tokyo Disneyland, a Hot Topic bag, and a Wabash sheep plushie make for better sleeping arrangements. Also, I need to clean.

Also, I've created a Puka! This is the 2nd one (the first was sold at a convention earlier this year). Pukas are awkwardly-shaped cats with hearts or stars stuck to their butts, and sharp felt teeth. Puka is up for adoption at my etsy site: :)

Carry on.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I kinda fail at following blogs, as I've forgotten the password needed to log in to click 'follow.' I'll try to rectify that in the future. But, I've read some of the new blogs! :)

And now, to sleep. Not really. Right now, Haruka is chasing invisible(?) bugs, Chloe is licking plastic bags, and Tuxedo Cat is sleeping on our porch. (Yes, the neighborhood cat has claimed our patio furniture! I'll share a picture in the near(hopefully!) future.)

I realize it's past Halloween . . .

But before I forget . . . .


(And yes, the pictures are rather large when you click on them. You've been warned!)

"MOM. You're in trouble. You're NOT making me hang out at your Halloween party in this get-up! Everyone'll laugh at me!"

"Holy crap, sis! What are you wearing?! Did you go Goth?"

". . . . I stand corrected. Now get me out."

Arial shot! (These are actually small dog-sized costumes. We did buy a kitty Pharoah headpiece though.)

Haruka subsequently decided to either hide in this suitcase, or try to mail herself to Abu Dhabi.

I've been bad!

It's been almost two months since I've posted. I apologize! Once Chloe came home to stay, it's been one thing after another. She had a lingering upper-respiratory infection (much like me, I got sick, too, and so did the hubby!) and for awhile we had no idea when she'd get better. She slept with us in our room and we had medicine for her and for several weeks, that was the arrangement! We'd keep her and Haruka separate, and let Chloe out to walk around and get used to things. She was used to things within the first hour.

Haruka is just now used to Chloe!

This is Chloe on September 20th, with her other human, Keri (Keri was moving back in with a couple of demanding little Welsh Corgis.)

This was during their first meeting. Haruka subsequently stalked Chloe the entire time they were together, and eventually pounced. Which is sort of amusing, only because Haruka is younger and smaller.

This was the first time we ever heard Haruka hiss outside of the vet's office. When Haruka is pissy, she looks like a vampire from Buffy! I think her tail indicates that she is part-raccoon.

The hissing and general crankiness continued for quite some time. Haruka was just hell-bent on NOT getting along with her new sister!

However, one day, we just said . . . . "Y'know, let's just leave them alone. They'll work it out!"

And eventually, they did! Not to the point of snuggling each other when they sleep, but they're a lot more cordial to each other. We've witnessed several 'elusive' kitty nose-bumps. Chloe's water dish and litter box (which Haruka uses, too, and Chloe uses Haruka's) are still in our bathroom for the time being. They get full reign of the house when we sleep, and Haruka has shown Chloe how to be the perfect alarm clock for us--about 15 minutes before our actual alarm goes off.

So, a belated hello and thank you for advice and tips; since we've been kitty wrangling, and sick, and working new schedules, it's been tough keeping up with the blog. But I have a barrage of kitty photos to show off. Oh yes. I've been doing my homework!

KITTY YOGA!! (Chloe was on the other side of the door.)